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Moving-In? 5 Tips To Flawlessly Clean Your New House

Whether it is your first time or your tenth time moving to a new home, there’s one thing that never changes: you want your place to be as clean as possible. However, time may be scarce, leading to unnecessary stress and anxiety.

To make your cleaning process easier and take some charge off your shoulders, here you’ll learn five clever tips on how to tackle the cleaning of your new place!

Tip #1. Create a cleaning plan

Before you start sweeping through your new place, it’s crucial to figure out what needs a good scrub. Take a stroll around the house and jot down spots that need your attention. Anything dirty, dusty, or grimy should be noted, then you can rank it by what you need to tackle first.

While you’re at it, consider the tools of the trade—cleaning supplies, brushes, mops, and rags— and scribble those down too. A well-thought-out plan will make your cleaning adventure way smoother and more organized.

Tip #2. Let some breeze roll in

After being sealed up for a bit, your new home might have picked up some stale smells. The key is to let the place breathe so new air replaces the old one. Crack open those windows and doors to welcome in the fresh air, bidding farewell to any musty odors.

Besides, given that you’ll probably be wielding a variety of cleaners, the build-up of chemical fumes is one more thing to think about—good airing becomes even more crucial. Go further and give those air ducts and filters a check and clean for better airflow.

Tip #3. Tidy up before bringing in the furniture

It’s way easier to clean your spot before you start hauling in all your gear. Doing it this way gives you more space to move around and reach corners that otherwise would be obstructed.

Taking on the cleaning tasks before furnishing every room ensures a more thorough job, setting up your place to be fresh and inviting right from the start.

Tip #4. Dive into the hard chores first

A smart move when moving to your new place is cleaning the challenging spots first before you run out of steam. It can depend on if your home was previously owned, but kitchens and bathrooms usually demand a bit more elbow grease, so they’re good targets to kick things off.

Pro-tip: If you’ve got a cleaning checklist ready to roll, use it as your guide!

Tip #5. Disinfect the high-touch areas

It might feel a bit odd to wipe down light switches, doorknobs, and handles when you’re just settling into a new spot. However, construction crews, real estate folks, and many others could have been going through the place before you, touching those apparently clean spots.

Countless hands-on encounters can make those high-touch spots harbor all kinds of icky stuff or bacteria. Take a few moments to give them a good scrub with some disinfectant.

Need some help? WestMaids Cleaning Services has all you need!

Moving into a new house is already a tall order, so you might find it difficult to find time to clean it properly. We offer a complete move-in cleaning service that will leave your new home looking cleaner than you imagined so you don’t overstress yourself. Get a free quote today!