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House Cleaning Services Help Seniors Stay Independent

Independence maintains quality of living – here is how a cleaning service can help

Inevitably, we all age. However, there is no reason for this to be a negative aspect in our lives. On the contrary, the period in our lives from retirement (generally around 65 years of age) onward is known as the “Golden Years” of adulthood. Indeed, there has been a ton of research done on this stage of life and the findings are actually quite compelling. For example, researchers have found that older adults are on average more satisfied than younger or middle aged adults; see an improvement in emotional stability, in general having fewer negative emotional experiences, and specifically seeing a reduction in anger; as well as spending less time thinking of negative experiences, while being more fond of past experiences and thinking of them in a generally more positive manner. This change in thinking is known as the positivity effect.

With the rapid advance in technology over the last couple of decades, seniors can now enjoy their independence for longer than ever. With the development of the internet accessibility over the last several years, there are a multitude of services that provide conveniences literally at the click of a button. Individuals can now chat with friends and family in real time, order groceries and have them delivered, get entire fully cooked meals delivered, and even arrange home services, all without leaving their homes. For example, our WestMaids booking page will help you calculate an instant quote for your house cleaning. Just pick your home’s features, select your frequency, and your service fee is immediately shown.


Of course, the first thing that comes to mind as a benefit of having a regular cleaning service is just that – regular cleanings! This is certainly a very important aspect, especially for older individuals. As we age, our body’s immune system starts to become less and less effective at combating viruses and bacteria, leading to an increased incidence of sickness. Not only that, but these sicknesses tend to be much more severe. This is why there are always special alerts for the young and elderly during flu outbreaks or smog warnings, for example. Our bodies just can’t keep up with the constant environmental barrage we endure every single day. This is so prevalent, that companies such as MedicareFAQ specialize in focusing on healthcare services specifically for seniors.

Obviously then the best way to protect from environmental hazards, is to keep them to a minimum. By hiring a cleaning service for weekly, biweekly, or even monthly visits just to help out, seniors can be assured that their home is receiving attention on a regular basis. The result then is that seniors’ health is better protected, as a regular cleaning service will ensure that there is never too much dust, dirt, or grime (and the associated pathogens and allergens) built up in the home. The biggest benefit there is that regular house cleaning keeps potential infections away.


Cleaning is dangerous

One of the most common symptoms of aging is that of declining mobility. This poses a bit of a problem because declining mobility is associated with an increased risk of falling, which itself is a major contributor to many health ailments for the elderly. The second part of this problem is that more active people are at greater risk of falling and injuries. This makes sense, because the more you move around the greater chance you have of slipping or having a misstep. So as we slowly approach the problem here, what activity requires a lot of movement…? House cleaning is the answer. It quickly becomes obvious then that cleaning can actually be dangerous for individuals that have reduced mobility. Now, this isn’t strictly an elderly individual problem, but this is a common trait of aging.

Calling cleaning an outright dangerous activity might seem like a bit much, but it is actually much more strenuous than it first appears. Cleaning is very laborious, requiring a lot of movement, exertion, and even flexibility in some cases. These are all things that can be difficult when mobility is reduced. The problem then is that someone who has difficulty moving may push themselves too far and get hurt. Even bending down or crouching may prove to be dangerous depending on person’s physical ability. Therefore a cleaning service helps individuals avoid situations in which they can get hurt. Movement is super beneficial for the body in terms of exercise, but there may be some instances where the reach or exertion required for cleaning may pose more risks than benefits.

Symptoms worse than smoking or obesity

The other major, but less obvious benefit is that of the social aspect. The tagline above is not an exaggeration. Researchers have found that loneliness and isolation can have a profound impact on our well being, even greater than that of smoking and obesity. This is an issue in particular for those that live alone, have reduced mobility, or suffer from cognitive declines from problems such as dementia. While this is not strictly a problem facing the elderly, with young people also able to suffer due to isolation, older individuals have the earlier mentioned additional challenges. A regular cleaning schedule means that an actual person will visit the home on a regular basis. This provides the individual with a bit of a change to their day, as well as an opportunity for socializing. Regular visits by a cleaner also means that the cleaner can notice if anything changes with the client or even the home, for example something in the house may have broken and now become a hazard. This is especially helpful in cases when the cleanings were setup by another family member, as this person can be notified that assistance is required.


The great thing with regular services such as cleaning is that they can be customized to suit the needs of the client. For example, we at WestMaids typically offer weekly, biweekly, and monthly cleans, however a customized schedule can be set up if required. This way the service can evolved with the requirements of the customer. Taking care of our elders is important for their quality of life, and luckily with services such as ours that makes it easier. Not only will their living environment be taken care of, but there are other tangible benefits to regular service. If this is something that you are thinking about for a loved one, feel free to reach out to us. We are always happy to help.